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Sept. 8, 2023

Regents approve proposal to begin $105 million energy infrastructure modernization project

澳门网上博彩官方网站’s 校董会 on Thursday gave its approval to institutional leaders to embark on a project that will transform the Maryville campus’s energy infrastructure, 使其成为该大学历史上最大的资本项目申请.

The Board’s approval of the proposed energy infrastructure modernization project authorizes Northwest President Dr. Lance Tatum and Vice President of Finance and Administration Stacy Carrick to enter into contracts with selected bidders for a total project cost not exceeding $105 million.

西北航空公司正在与工程公司IMEG Corp .合作. to develop design documents for the upgraded central plant and energy distribution systems and expects the project will take approximately two to three years to complete.

“It’s really positive in the long run for us from an efficiency perspective as the planned upgrades and modernized equipment will generate energy and operational savings that allow Northwest to invest in our aging infrastructure,卡里克说.

向董事会提交提案, 卡里克说,该项目的目标是确保安全, adequate, reliable and cost-effective operations in delivering heating and cooling to campus facilities on a more sustainable, 长期.

The multi-year plan includes the replacement of chillers and cooling towers in the University’s central cooling plant and decentralizing its heating infrastructure by installing high-efficiency water boilers in buildings to drive utility efficiencies and flexibility.

Northwest plans to maximize state matching funds to help finance the energy infrastructure modernization project. 此外,还有500万美元的国家拨款,用于该大学在23财年, Northwest plans to direct $25 million in state funds appropriated for FY24 and another $25 million the University has requested for FY25 to the project. 这两笔2500万美元的拨款是匹配拨款, meaning Northwest must secure an additional $50 million to receive the state funding and meet the project’s $105 million total cost. 要做到这一点, 卡里克说, 大学已预留三千万元作这项计划之用, 该公司预计将借入剩余的2000万美元.

该项目源于大学的校园总体规划, 哪个项目于2016年完成,并确定需要解决延期维护问题, including the campus’s heating and cooling infrastructure that provides steam heating and hot water to about 75 percent, or 1.800万平方英尺的西北设施. 关键的公用事业基础设施还包括暖通空调建筑系统, 电力分配, 国内水, 卫生下水道和雨水管理.

越来越多地, 陈旧的集中供热和供冷装置, 以及公用事业基础设施, 成为西北航空公司的问题吗. 由于蒸汽管道泄漏,校园中断越来越频繁, 故障和部件故障.

目前, Northwest’s centralized heating plant provides steam heat to campus buildings with three natural gas boilers that were installed during the 1960s and are 27 to 33 years past their expected useful life. Two alternative fuel boilers in Northwest’s central heating plant are inoperable and beyond repair. Further, the boiler controls are antiquated electro-mechanical systems with limited capabilities.

锅炉产生的蒸汽通过18号管道输送到建筑物,在地下隧道中铺设了1000英尺的管道, 哪些也持续严重恶化.

集中冷却装置由三台冷水机组和冷却塔组成, 其中两个已经超过了使用寿命.

同时, Carrick reported to Regents that progress is ongoing in Northwest’s efforts to reduce energy consumption. By converting standard lighting to LED technology and installing low-flow restroom fixtures among other high-efficiency systems in combination with the energy infrastructure modernization project, the University expects to realize increased energy efficiencies and use its utility cost savings as part of its funding strategy for energy infrastructure upgrades. 此外,这些升级将使西北航空公司走上碳中和的道路.


Thursday’s Board action marks the beginning of a new era in how Northwest fulfills its energy needs and a shift from the alternative energy fuels program it initiated decades ago.

在117年前的一次会议上, 在规划这所拥有20年历史的机构时, Regents considered plans and specifications presented by an architect to construct its heating and powerhouse, 除了行政大楼.

从西北公司开始, 的大国, located east of the 行政大楼 has remained an essential part of the campus infrastructure. 原建筑于1910年左右完工,现已重建, 今天被称为约翰C. 小脸红. 电厂,以支持校园扩建和大学不断变化的能源需求. The facility is connected by a two-mile network of utility tunnels throughout the campus that carry steam as well as HVAC-chilled water to more than 30 buildings.

在20世纪70年代末和80年代初,随着化石燃料价格的飙升, 西北地区开始实施一项成功的替代能源计划. In 1983, Northwest began burning wood chips generated from manufacturing processes and created 69 percent of the power needed to heat the campus.

1993年,大学开始将废纸转化为可燃颗粒. 几年后,该大学的R.T. Wright Farm also was converted into pellets and added to the institution’s mix of alternative fuels, 满足了校园90%的能源需求. 在35年期间, Northwest realized an estimated $16 million in savings as a result of its alternative energy program, 与购买天然气和石油相比.

去年春天, however, Northwest discontinued its use of alternative fuels due to its aging boilers and components.


周四其他事务, 董事会批准聘用大学警官迈克尔·洛根, 根据密苏里州修订第174号法令.700 and reviewed appropriations requests Northwest submitted to the state for fiscal year 2025.

在其定期会议之前的一次工作会议期间, 董事们听取了西北校区心理健康状况的报告, the results of a compensation study conducted for the University in partnership with Evergreen Solutions, 以及对秋季学期第一天的入学数据的回顾.

关于招生问题, 西北航空公司宣布.6-percent rise in its total enrollment on its first day of the fall classes and a total headcount of 8,071名学生, 这是中国经济连续第六年全面增长. 官方人口普查将于9月9日开始. 18, 澳门网上博彩官方网站预计其招生总数将会增加, and Tatum outlined for Regents the University’s desire to balance its enrollment portfolio.

“关于招聘和招生的讨论从未停止,”塔图姆说. “It’s constantly a part of what we talk about at the institution – from how we present materials to prospective students, 是什么样子的?, 发生在市场营销中的过程, our brand, 澳门网上博彩官方网站如何录取学生, 澳门网上博彩官方网站如何注册学生, 澳门网上博彩官方网站如何留住学生,如何在整个过程中录取学生. 澳门网上博彩官方网站的目标是招募他们到大学,然后让他们毕业, 这所大学在这方面做得很好.” 

The 校董会 负责完善大学的资源管理,并制订一般的, 教育和财政政策.


Dr. 马克Hornickel
Room 215

